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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #11- Story of Lord Rama

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Description of Lord Ramacandra's Pastimes.
  • Reason for Lord Rama's appearance – Narada Rsi's curse to the Lord. Once Narada Rsi had the pride that he had won over Kamadeva. He approached Narayana and wanted to marry one princess. Lord Narayana wanted to save Narada so gave him a monkey face. During the marriage ceremony, the princess (who was actually Laksmi) married Narayana. Seeing this, Narada Rsi cursed Narayana that ‘I am crying because of you today; you will also cry for a lady.”
  • Brief about the birth of Lord Rama, His marriage and exile to the forest.
  • During the exile, Rama stayed under a banyan tree near Bihar and Bengal.
  • When Rama and Sita reached Navadvipa dhama, Lord Rama explained to Sita that, "Here I will take birth as Gauranga and you will come as Visnupriya in Kaliyuga."
  • Rama then talked about whatever will happen further in Ramalila.
  • When Rama left Sita then Rama did yajna (fire sacrifice) with golden deities of Sita.
  • Luv and Kusa came and recited Ramanaya in the assembly.
  • Luv and Kusa informed their mother (Sitaji) that they saw Her (Sita's) deities also in the assembly.
  • Lord Rama paying off Sitaji's debt in Mahaprabhu pastimes.