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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #6- Story of Sati & Gradations of different devotees, Teachings from Story of King Vena

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Pastimes when Sankara was meditating on Rama crying and searching for Sita; Sati disguised as Sita and came in front of Rama.
  • Sati did not obey her guru i.e. Sankara and had to leave her body.
  • Never doubt on sastras and guru otherwise you will be derailed from the path of devotion.
  • Hiding anything from guru is mahapradha.
  • Have full faith in guru.
  • Sati left her body and took rebirth as Parvati.
  • About Uttama, Madhyama & Kanishta sevaka.
  • Only Srimad Bhagavatam can solve problems, if one listens to Srimad Bhagavatam then no need for jail, court, etc.
  • Difference between Dhruva and Prahlada Maharaja's characters.
  • Prahlada didn't get a chance to serve the Lord.
  • Hanumana is always engaged in Lord's service; he put sindura all over his body.
  • Hanumana bows before Arjuna whose chariot was pulled by Krsna.
  • Arjuna bows before Uddhava & Uddhava is asking for foot dust of gopis.
  • Story of Maharaja Anga who is in the dynasty of Prahlada.
  • Kamsa was absorbed in Krsna's thoughts so he also got liberated.
  • Sisupala's 2 arms fell off upon seeing Krsna therefore he was afraid of Krsna.
  • There are two types of abuse: with love & with hate.
  • Gopis used to abuse Krsna with love.