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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #8- Glories of Pure Devotee Association and Harinama

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Example of a father who used to listen to hari-katha but would not allow his son to listen but when his son listened hari-katha, he applied it to his life.
  • Gurus like Sanda & Amarka cannot give bhakti.
  • Strong sukriti benefits us with sadhu-sanga & sadhu-sanga benefits with bhakti.
  • Difficult to control kama (lust) eg: Sankara got attracted to Mohini, Brahma got attracted to his daughter.
  • Explanation of bhajana of Sri Haridasa Thakura; how a prostitute surrendered and took hari-nama; a pure devotee can control kama eg: Sri Haridasa Thakura.
  • 3 types of nama: suddha-nama, namabhasa, namaparadha
  • Namaparadha can bestow all kinds of material desires; namabhasa can liberate from this world.
  • The effect of hari-nama will depend upon the level of guru.
  • What is the meaning of mahamantra; mahamantra is yugala upasana mantra.
  • Worship of Radha automatically includes worship of Krsna.
  • Those who worship Krsna individually are like fools.
  • Those who chant 'om namah shivaye' can't understand conjugal love of Radha Krsna.
  • Following gurus who do not chant themselves but ask disciples to chant will never help.
  • Hare Krsna mahamantra is coming through guru-parampara & and is the uniqueness of Gaudiya sampradaya.
  • Offering something to the Lord even unknowingly will lead to sukriti; Story of Gajendra.
  • Nama-kirtana is the topmost.