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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #9- Siva Tattva & Churning the Milk Ocean

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Srila Gurudeva continued his discussion about ‘samudra manthana’ (churning of the ocean) and ‘Mohini avatara’ pastimes from Srimad Bhagavatam.
  • Srila Gurudeva mentioned that it is very difficult to understand Siva-tattva.
  • Description of the nature of Siva, He has a combination of conflicting qualities.
  • 'vaisnavanam yatha sambhu' - Siva is the guru of vaisnavas.
  • Significance of the garland of skulls, serpents & ashes worn by Siva.
  • Significance of moon that he wears on his head, and in his heart, he carries Radha Syamsundara.
  • Siva also takes a form of Gopesvara. On one hand he burns Cupid down to ashes and on the other, he chases Mohini avatara.
  • Krsna took Mohini avatara and distributed nectar to the demigods.
  • Sun & Moon both are devotees of the Lord. Sun is Yamuna's father & Krsna came in the dynasty of the Moon.
  • If we think that we know more than God or Guru then it is an offense.
  • Formation of Rahu & Ketu.
  • We should not try to guide Sri Guru.
  • Reason for occurence of solar & lunar eclipse.
  • Caitanya Caritamrita explains a ‘samudra manthan’ of sastras at Godavari in Raya-Ramanada Samvada. How, after churning all sastras, we come to know about the topmost goal.
  • Srimad Bhagavatam teaches us that gopis’ love is the topmost. Radha bhava is superior to all.