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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #15- Reasons of Different Incarnartions & Ramayana

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • All the incarnations of the Lord are purna (complete), not amsa (part).
  • Krsna’s most beloved associates are the gopis and among them, Radharani is the topmost.
  • Questions asked by Pariksit Maharaja to Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, in response to which Sukadeva spoke the pastimes of the tenth canto.
  • Harikatha is the only medicine but how should we listen?
  • Devotees should not ask for liberation, they will automatically get it but one should not have any desire for liberation.
  • How should harikatha be followed? What kind of people are atmaghati (killer's of their own selves)?
  • Reason for Krsna's Advent:
  • Drona and Dhara got Brahmaji's blessings.
  • The boon of becoming the son of Prsni and Sutapa.
  • Fulfillment of Bali Maharaja sister's wish.
  • To fulfill Suparnakha's wish from her previous birth.
  • Various types of sadhana-siddha gopis and how they entered the rasa-lila?
  • Lord Siva tries to enter the rasa-sthali, but why did he fail? What is the meaning of Gopesvara?
  • How did Lord Rama fulfill the wishes of his various associates in Krsna lila?