Gopi-gita (2): SB 10.31.1 contd, How to Attract Krsna's Mercy
40:25This audio is included in the following series of lectures:
- Explanation of sloka Jayati te Dhikaṁ '.
- Establishing supremacy of goloka-vrndavana in comparison to vaikuntha-dhama.
- Describing lamentation of Gopis in remembrance of Krsna.
- Explaining Gopi Gita Sloka 1.
- We can't know anything without the mercy of gopis.
- In kali-yuga only crying sankirtana can attract the attention of Krsna.
- Gopis can't give up their lives, because their "prana-ayu" is in Krsna and will cause him so much suffering.
- Meaning of dayita.
- There is no prema in this world.
- Nobody can tolerate the prema; a person will either die or go mad.