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Gopi-gita (7): Types and Symptoms of Rati, SB 10.31.7

ISKCON, Mumbai
Srila Gurudeva 90%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Meaning of 'bhaja sakhe bhavat kinkari' from verse 6 of Gopi-gita.
  • Verse 7 of Gopi-Gita 'pranata dehinam papa karsanam'.
  • Trna caranugam means Your feet always follow behind the cows.
  • Sri Niketanam means Your feet are the abode (niketana) of Sri or Laksmi Phani - Phani phanarpitam means You placed Your lotus feet on the hoods of that serpent.
  • Gopis ask Krsna to place His lotus feet on their heart to drive away the lust.
  • Even a sadhaka who has attained the platform of a madhyama-uttama adhikari has no lust, what to speak of someone who has attained svarupa-siddhi and vastu-siddhi.
  • Types of rati: sadharani, samanjasa, and samartha.
  • The moment Kubja saw Krsna, sadharani-rati entered her heart. She desired to enjoy Krsna, not to give Him the enjoyment.
  • Samanjasa-rati is in the queens of Dvaraka, here love is divided into so many sections.
  • Krsna may or may not be controlled by samanjasa-rati depending upon the circumstances.
  • Samartha-rati is the rati in gopis, powerful enough to control Krsna in every way.
  • Gopis do not even desire to personally enjoy their loving relationship with Krsna.
  • Meaning of verse 'aslisya va padaratam' from Siksastakam.
  • Meaning of 'anukulyena krsnanusilanam'.
  • Krsna had a taste for surata, and to satisfy that taste, He made up His mind to enjoy sweet pastimes with the gopis; He wants this because He thinks that the gopis want it; And the gopis want it because Krsna wants it. Krsna and the gopis try to please each other.
  • About the symptoms of rati of the gopis.
  • The desire to serve first comes in the heart of the heroine, but she does not openly express herself. Krsna, the hero, knows her desire by her behavior, by her mood, or by an indication or sign. He can then speak openly, which arouses more longing in the heroine.
  • Gopis are the experts in loving matters, especially Srimati Radhika.
  • Gopis never disclose their love directly.
  • Meaning of verse 'kasmad vrinde priya-sakhi'.
  • Krsna says that He is indebted to the gopis.
  • Prema is sometimes bahu-nistha and sometimes eka-nistha. It means prema is split among many and in other instances, it is fixed on one object only.
  • The reason why is it not possible for Krsna to repay the gopis.
  • One should try to love Krsna as the gopis do, desiring nothing for oneself.