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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #19- Teachings from Pastimes of Dhenukasaura, Kaliya, Aghasura, Vatsasura, Bakasura, etc. & Pastime of Lifting Govardhana Hill.

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Krsna is the only worshippable in the world, He is the creator of the world, the Supreme Lord, akhila-rsamrta-sindhu (ocean of transcendental mellows), He is omnipotent. All living beings are His eternal servants. We are suffering in this world because of forgetting Krsna. Only by worshipping the Lord we can obtain peace and happiness.
  • Those who don’t know about the purpose of human life and about Krsna prema are ignorant. Such persons are compared to a donkey in sastras.
  • Baladeva Prabhu (Sri Guru) kills Dhenukasaura (donkey-like tendency of the jivas).
  • Brief about the pastimes of subduing the serpent Kaliya.
  • Garuda had once come to the Yamuna and started eating some fish. Saubhari Rsi had tried to stop him and cursed Garuda that if he ever came there again, he would immediately die.
  • Saubhari Rsi committed an offense at the lotus feet of Garuda (an eternal associate of the Lord). As a result of the offense, Saubhari Rsi got attracted to material life.
  • Sri Krsna trampled one thousand hoods of Kaliya until his body slackened. Vomiting blood from his mouths, Kaliya finally understood that Krsna was the primeval personality, Lord Narayana, the spiritual master of all moving and nonmoving creatures, and he took shelter of Him.
  • The prayers offered by Kaliya’s wives, the Nagapatnis.
  • Venu Gita- The gopis explaining the beauty of Krsna and the effect of flute song on demigoddesses. Gopis’ enviousness towards the flute.
  • Deliverance of demons Vatsasura, Aghasura and Bakasura etc. by Krsna and teachings from those pastimes. Brief Description of the past life of these demons and how they were cursed by sages due to their misdeeds.
  • Pastime of lifting Giriraja Govardhana.
  • Worship and parikrama of Govardhana.
  • Tormented by rain sent by Indra.
  • Krsna lifting Giriraja Govardhana on the tip of His finger for seven days.
  • Reason for performing the pastime of lifting Govardhana. Primary (to meet the gopis) and secondary (to destroy pride of Indra).
  • What should we ask from Giriraja Govardhana? What did the residents of Vraja ask from Giriraja?
  • The reason why Krsna lifted Giriraja on the finger of his left hand.
  • Gopis performing Krsna’s arti through their sidelong glances.
  • Apology by Indra and doing abhiseka of Krsna.
  • In the meeting of Nanda, Upananda and other elderly residents, they declared that Krsna should be worshipped. Nandababa's decision to see Krsna as his son rather than worshipping.