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SB Day 4: Sanatana Dharma, Pastime of Sati and Siva, Importance of Accepting Guru, Story of Bharata Maharaja

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Day 4 of Bhagavata Saptaha
  • Why do other religions have only one God and Sanatana Dharma has many Gods?
  • Sanatana Dharma is eternal.
  • The material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world.
  • One should learn all siddhanta from guru parampara.
  • Pastime of Sati doubting Rama & then Siva accepting her as his mother. Always trust the words of the Sri guru.
  • Pastime of Siva with Daksa Prajapati
  • Sri guru is millions of times more merciful than parents.
  • One should open his heart completely to a qualified guru.
  • First one should understand the goal of life.
  • One requires a guru to learn even the easiest and smallest thing in life.
  • The root of this world is an attachment.
  • This world of maya is manifested by Krsna's desire for His service. Thus, this world is not false. Rather, the attachment to it is false.
  • The nature of all the souls is feminine and Krsna is the only male.
  • Division of society was originally based on qualities.
  • Pastimes of Bharata Maharaja.
  • How Bharata Maharaja renounced everything and went to the forest to perform devotional service to Lord Hari.
  • How Bharata Maharaja got attached to the baby deer and got distracted from hari-bhajana.
  • Human life is wasted without hari-bhakti.
  • How Bharata Maharaja died while meditating on that deer and became a deer in his next life. One should live without attachment to money, wife, and children.
  • The suffering we experience is not at the level of the body, or soul. It is in mind, due to its attachment to material things.