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SB Day 6: Uddhava Sandesa

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Krsna sent Uddhava to Vrndavana to pacify the gopis and Vrajavasis.
  • How Krsna is partly in Mathura but completely in Vrndavana.
  • How Uddhava found the whole of Vrndavana gloomy, yet everyone believed that one day Krsna would return.
  • Condition of Mother Yasoda's kitchen.
  • How Nanda Baba upon meeting Uddhava repeatedly asked about Vasudeva because he was unable to speak about Krsna.
  • The conversation between Nanda Baba & Uddhava.
  • The deeper meaning of the word 'panghat'.
  • How Nanda Baba's grief grew when Uddhava referred to him as 'mahabhaga' (fortunate).
  • Even though Uddhava resembled Krsna and was dressed in His remanant clothes, the gopis didn't think he was Krsna.
  • Uddhava saw himself as a dwarf in Bhakti, in comparison with the gopis.
  • Radharani could be recognized by Her sorrow and physical state. Uddhava didn't have the courage to speak with Her.
  • How Srimati Radhika chastised the bumblebee.
  • How Uddhava was moved when he saw Srimati Radharani's love at its height and prayed to obtain even a tiny bit of the gopis' foot dust.
  • Why Krsna did not return to Vraja.