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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #4- Conversation Between Vidura-Dhrtarastra, Instruction by Bhisma

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • We should listen harikatha very carefully.
  • Saunakadi Rsi asking questions to Sri Suta Gosvami.
  • Conversation between Vidura and Dhrtrashtra.
  • People’s tolerance weakened in the present times, they are unable to tolerate little hunger and thirst.
  • Dhrtrashtra, Gandhari and Kunti went to Rsikesa.
  • Vidura gave mantra to Dhrtrashtra and he did austerity.
  • How to do harinama, sitting at one place
  • How a Vaisnava should be tolerant.
  • Meeting of Krsna, Pandavas with Bhishma Pitamaha lying on a bed of arrows.
  • Why did Bhishma Pitamah keep the Pandavas near his feet and Krsna near his head while giving his last instructions?
  • Jiva himself is responsible for his sufferings, story of an old lady and her boy who got bit by a snake.
  • Try to apply “tat te ’nukampam su-samiksamano” verse in your life.
  • Sufferings which came to Ambarisa Maharaja, Draupadi, Haridasa Thakura, Mirabai are not the fruits of their karmas.
  • Note: Some sound issues from 15:40 till17:58 cannot be corrected