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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #18- Teachings from Brahma Vimohana & Cira-harana Pastime

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Krsna came to Vrndavana from Gokula.
  • First, they all came to Chattikara. They saw a beautiful forest, Yamuna, birds, and animals.
  • Pastime of deliverance of Aghasura. King Kamsa sent Aghaksura to kill Krsna and his friends. Krsna killed Aghasura, seeing this pastime Lord Brahma got astonished and had the desire to see more such wonderful pastimes.
  • The stealing of the boys and calves by Brahma.
  • Fulfillment of the wishes of the gopis, mothers and cows of Vraja through the pastime of Brahma’s bewilderment.
  • Baladeva Prabhu realized there is something beyond maya sakti during the one year when Brahma stole the calves and gopas.
  • Brief about past life of sadhana-siddha gopis and how they got siddhi (perfection in bhajana).
  • Explanation of Parkiya-rasa.
  • Brief about Cira-harana pastime (Krsna Steals the Garments of the Gopis)
  • Gopis worshiped Katyayani devi and got darsana of Krsna.
  • Krsna is everywhere so why be ashamed of Him? Krsna stole the gopis' clothes, there's nothing wrong with Krsna's actions.
  • Krsna wrapped himself around Draupadi all over in the form of a sari. One can question where is Draupadi's lajja (shame) now? But Krsna actually protected Draupadi's shame in the assembly.
  • Sadhana-siddha gopis invited nitya-siddha gopis on the last day of the Katyayini vrata, because of this Krsna gave them darsana and fulfilled their desire.
  • Gopis are the topmost devotees, we can achieve our highest goal only under the guidance of the gopis.