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Srimad Bhagavatam Series- #27- Bhramara Gita, Uddhava Sees the Divine Love of the Gopis

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Srimati Radhika is talking to a bumble bee and expressing Her transcendental moods.
  • Quoting “api bata madhu-puryam arya-putro ’dhunaste” Srimati Radhika is saying - O Uddhava! It is indeed regrettable that Krsna resides in Mathura. Does He remember His father’s household affairs and His friends, the cowherd boys? O great soul! Does He ever talk about us, His maidservants? When will He lay on our heads His aguru-scented hand?
  • Uddhava saw the stage of divyonmada (divine madness) and citra-jalpa (variegated speech) of Srimati Radhika and got astonished.
  • Uddhava then prayed at the lotus feet of gopis to become a bush, creeper or herb in Vrndavana “asam aho carana-renu-jusam aham syam”
  • Gopis are the topmost personifications of chastity. Those who are not one-pointed towards Krsna are vyabhicari (adulterers).
  • Before leaving Vraja, Uddhava asked gopis - do you have any message for Krsna? Srimati Radhika said “Don’t tell him anything about our grief; He will be upset. Tell Krsna that we are very happy, and gradually, slowly, you can tell everything (as we know you won’t be able to hide)."
  • Uddhava became afraid that if he stayed longer in Vraja, he would also have to suffer separation from Krsna, so he left.
  • Those who don’t have a separation mood cannot be called sadhakas.