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SB Day 3: Advaya Jnana Para Tattva, Teachings from the Life of Narada

Srila Gurudeva 100%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:


  • Day 3 of Sri Bhagavata Saptaha
  • Three ways to read Srimad Bhagavatam: in seven days-good, in one month-very good & daily (one verse daily)-very very good as it will give bhakti.
  • Each verse of Srimad Bhagavatam is a mantra to attain krsna-prema.
  • Explanation of 'advaya jnana para tattva'.
  • Meaning of 'sat-cid-ananda'.
  • Explanation of Krsna's potencies.
  • Explanation of karma-yoga, jnana-yoga & bhakti-yoga.
  • Explanation of guru-tattva.
  • Narada Muni's previous life story; How he became a devotee.
  • Two types of sounds - transcendental & material; How Narada Muni gave transcendental sound to Valmiki & Dhruva.
  • Transcendental sounds (mantras) should be served as a sadhana. If without doing this, mantra is given by someone to 'disciples', it is just a waste. But when it is given by a bona fide spiritual master, who has served the mantra thoroughly, then it is transcendental.
  • Meanings of worship, austerity & meditation.
  • How Narada Muni received a momentary darsana of Narayana.
  • Meditation is possible only after the darsana of the Lord's form.