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Sri Bhajana Rahasya (12): Pastimes of Radha-Krsna

Srila Gurudeva 65%

This audio is included in the following series of lectures:

Other speakers

  • Other Scholars


  • "Gurudev introducing Bhakti Svarup Damodar Maharaja and requesting him to speak and give some instructions to devotees how to develop in Krishna Consciousness.
  • We are all in one family of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityaananda Prabhu and if we unite we can preach everywhere nicely. Bhakti Svarup Damodar Maharaja is very nice, he has no sectarian mentality."
  • "-people wants to follow The krihssn off mahabharat
  • But The krishan of srimad bhagavatam is followed by no one
  • Chaitanay mahaprabhu associates give preference to srimad bhagavatam Krishan
  • Gita is starting teaching and srimad bhagavatam is like graduation
  • Who have sukriti of previous Life can understand these pastimes
  • By yashoda sending of ornaments to jatila
  • Subal sakha pastimes off jatila house and losting off cow child"
  • "- one should do bhajan and sadhana according to the principles of Sri Rupa goswami and Srila Raghunath dasa goswami
  • Narad Muni had blessing from krishna that whoever touches the soil of Vraj with the association of pure devotee and with pure mood, they can see His pastimes
  • Why could Srila Swami maharaj not give his heart-felt moods during his manifest presence?
  • Various pastimes of Krishna e.g. Radharani dresses like subal with calf and meets krishna,mother Yashoda sends a trunk full of jwellary through Abhimanyu in which Krsna sat & met Radhika in Javata"