Sri Bhajana Rahasya (7): Praying for Radha-dasyam
36:22This audio is included in the following series of lectures:
- Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati's prayer for Radharani's darsana and to become her maidservant.
- If the sadhaka constantly chants the mantra given by Sri Guru, he will definitely know his svarupa.
- Explanation of svarupa-siddhi and vastu-siddhi
- Radharani is the vilasa-murti of Krsna
- Radharani is ‘dhiradhira nayika’ and Krsna is ‘dhiralalita nayaka’
- Meaning of 'kinkari'
- Kamanuga-bhakti which is done under the guidance of vraja-devis