Raya Ramananda Samvada (5): Comparative Discussion from Varnasrama to Prema, CC Madhya 8.69
50:51This audio is included in the following series of lectures:
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enquires from Ramananda Raya about what is our goal and the process to obtain it
- The importance of Varnasrama Dharma
- The essence of the teachings from Srimad Bhagavad Gita
- Only by Sadhu sanga one can enter in to Bhakti
- What is Karma and how it functions
- Main advice from the Gita is to surrender to the Lord and do bhajana.
- How Ambarisa Maharaja engaged all his senses in the service of Bhagavan.
- Mahaprabhu asked to go further to determine our goal and Ramananda Raya replied that Jnana-sunya Bhakti is our Sadhya (goal).
- Listening to Hari-katha is essential to progress in bhakti.
- The final goal is Prema and the process to achieve it.
- The mood to have when performing seva, chanting harinama, listening to Hari-katha, taking Prasadam, serving to Sadhus and vaisnavas.
- Prema is the main thing required to serve Bhagavana